Press Release 28 January, 2010, London NoBorders

Activists from the transnational No Borders network and the French
organisation, SôS Soutien aux Sans Papiers, have opened a large warehouse for migrants in Calais[1].

The building is to be an autonomous space for migrants and activists
struggling for the right to freedom of movement. It will be host to
information-sharing, debate and practical solidarity. The Kronstadt
building is located in the town that has become the symbol of Fortress
Europe, a place where police arrests and beatings of migrants are a
daily occurrence, and where night-time pursuits are relentless[2].

By this act, they stand in solidarity with those for whom border and immigration control is a discriminatory, oppressive and unjust reality.
In a real democracy, every person enriches society in myriad ways, and
no-one is surplus to requirements; neither the unemployed, the young,
the old, or the foreign.

Full Spectrum Resistance!

Events and protest against the 13th European Police Congress

In 2010 the European Police Congress, a meeting of international police functionaries, politicians and various actors of the security industry, is again going to take place in Berlin. It is the 13th convention and just like the Congress on European Security & Defence, it is being organised by the publishing group "Behörden Spiegel". According to the organisers, last years convention was visited by 1800 participants from 70 countries.

Double Networking

As officially stated, the convention aims at "reinforcing existent relationships and developing new practices". The focal point is the expansion and consolidation of the cooperation of European repressive institutions, whose agenda is concerned with an "EU Internal Security Strategy". On the schedule is the "Stockholm Programme", a "multi-annual" programme on the future of European home affairs. This five year programme again calls for a "war on terrorism, organised crime and illegal migration", at the same time demanding the expansion of police, military and intelligence service cooperation. This encompasses the adoption of new technological standards for surveillance and control, for which the security industry will exhibit various products in the congress lounge.

The police congress wants to be "trendsetting" for the embedding of intelligence service methods into police procedures. Surveillance and repression increasingly operates "proactive", an in the police forces jargon common synonym for an "anticipatory approach", which has also been adopted by the NATO. During the police congress there will be diverse forums in which strategies are being put together to "fuse inner and outer security". Accordingly one panel poses itself the question "What can we learn from the armed forces?” Representatives of the NATO meet with police officials and intelligence agents, interior ministers and state secretaries go for coffee with security industry CEO’s at their stalls. Last year a podium talk on civil-military cooperation was given by Kai Vittrup, the chief of the EU police mission in Afghanistan. Vittrup has been chief of the UN police forces in the Kosovo as well as before being involved in leading policing positions in Sudan, Iraq and East-Timor. For years he has been chief of the police in Copenhagen, which only recently at the climate summit demonstrated how the policing of protest and resistance shall take place in the future to come.

Life is too short to be controlled

No borders, no nations!

A day out of control in London
Saturday 23rd January 2010
2pm St. Pancras International -> 4.30pm Piccadilly Circus

While the migration regime is fortifying itself and setting up rings of
defence around European wealth, inner control is tightening to keep public order, at a time where the nation state already seems to be a dead corpse. And with an economy which exploits the most virtual
property, the need to control even the remotest parts of people’s lives is increasing.

Responses of Social Movements to the Spanish Presidency of the EU

To mark the Spanish Presidency of the European Union, dozens of Spanish organisations have decided to unite to express their condemnation, once again, of the capitalist and neoliberal project which the EU represents. These organisations are coordinated with others in the rest of the European Union and Latin America.

The EU has shown itself to be an antidemocratic institutional framework serving the interests of multinationals and member state elite organisations. We can use as an example of this the economic guidance which goes against the basic social rights of the Lisbon Treaty, passed without consulting the European citizens (except in Ireland, since it is required by law).

To serve the aforementioned interests, the EU has not hesitated in lowering working conditions and facilitating layoffs and the destruction of employment, as the “flexicurity” doctrine demonstrates. It also defends, using all its diplomatic machinery, the abusive commercial and business strategies of European companies in Southern Hemisphere countries. The signatory organisations reject the pressures to which the EU is submitting third party countries so they sign the commercial treaties, the wrongly labelled “Association Agreements”. They are a form of “neocolonialism” and plundering, both of the natural resources and the inhabitants in the Southern Hemisphere.


Meeting in Paris for a transantional call against repression

Callout to unite against repression and the police state, 16. January 2010.
Sans papiers strikers!
Anti-prison activists!

You are all invited to the first meeting to organise a mass mobilisation in Paris. This would be the first large-scale action against the systematic attacks against migrants since the destruction of the ‘Jungles’ in Calais.

Following the destruction of the squats and Jungles in Calais in a great PR stunt, Besson publicly committed to making Calais a migrant-free zone.

Since then, the several hundred migrants who returned to Calais have been systematically flushed out anywhere they seek to shelter, day and night.

Activists from the No Borders network have maintained a presence in Calais since June 2009. They bear witness to continual the police repression; beatings, gassings, and night-time chases.

No Borders Camp in Brussels

In September/October 2010 we want to organize a No Border Camp in Brussels, hosting workshops, debates, (direct) actions and trainings. On Saturday 5th of December, there was a first meeting about the organization. Next meeting is planned on the 11th of January. We invite everybody to join
the organization.


  • Brussels has an important role in European migration politics: the European Parliament is based over there and Belgium will be the chairman, starting on July 2010. With the No Border Camp, we want to question the European Migration Policy and work towards a radical change.
  • Brussels is the centre of decision-making in Belgium, home base of the Parliament, of the headquarters of political parties, of the office of foreign affairs, etc.
  • And at last, Brussels has a multicultural society where big communities of migrants and people without papers live, who have been really active in their fight. With the No Border Camp we want to make stronger links between the activists with and without papers.

Climate No Borders Call Out 14th 02Dec09


The debate over climate change and global warming management
at the UN is a struggle among the national ruling establishments for
their own interests on the international diplomatic stage. While there
is concern that climate change can have unforeseen political and
economic consequences, these competing capitalist states have no means
of seriously addressing the issue, other than making preparations for
cracking down on social unrest. 

Elites globally have pushed the criminalization of the movement of
people for years now. Their latest excuse for this is climate change.
They talk about people migrating for survival and better lives as a
security threat that justifies border repression and moves towards a
more defined global apartheid. Their reckless pursuit of profit has
caused the climate crisis, and now they want to criminalize those who
are absorbing the effects of their greed.

The military industrial complex is the epitome of their hypocrisy.

Stop another 5 year program of death and detention!

of November and 1st of December 2009 in Brussels – Transnational
Protests in front of the EU – Justice and Home Affairs – Meeting

Refugee Protection and Migrants Rights instead of a brutal
EU-Border-regime! No to the repressive Stockholm program! After Tampere
and The Hague, the Stockholm program will constitute the next
5-year-framework for Justice and Home Affairs (JHA)
within the EU and its memberstates. The new program claims to build up
the ‘area of freedom, justice and security’. But in fact it will
continue to implement an even tighter regime of surveillance and
control and will promote a securitisation of social life, undermining
all civil rights and privacy despite contrary claims.

Those most affected are refugees and migrants, denounced and
criminalized as ‘illegals’ and hunted by national borderguards and the
EU-agency Frontex. With the “road map of Stockholm” the EU and national
governments go on to escalate their border regimes to a real war as
Frontex’ role in militarising the borders will be strengthened once
again. Many thousand people have died and drowned trying to cross the
borders of Europe over the last years, hundreds of thousands have been
detained and deported. Refoulement is a daily practice at all hot spots
of the EU external border : from Hungary and Slovakia to Ukraine, from
Greece to Turkey, from Italy to Libya and from Spain to Morocco. The
western European Schengen states and Britain are the driving forces in
externalising migration control.

Opening of an Infopoint at the European Commission, Berlin

Ladies and Gentlemen!

I bid you all welcome on behalf of the Agency for Freedom of Movement! We are very pleased to greet you here today on the occasion of this festive and forward-looking action.
In the last thirty minutes we have heard and seen with what defensive measures people who enter the European Union in search of a better life are confronted.
The International Organization for Migration, IOM, attempts to prevent people from leaving when they are still in their native country.
The European border patrol agency Frontex and the border guard agencies stop people even before they reach the external borders of Europe and force them to return to where they came from.
In the countries of the EU people are held in detention camps and deportation centers. We want these conditions to become a thing of the past as soon as possible!

Campaign to exercise the right to access European databases

Reclaim your data from the European police authorities!

Aufruf auch in deutsch

Throughout Europe, the data of millions of people is stored in
information systems operated and checked by the police and and
intelligence services as a matter of course. The various national
systems are supplemented by centralized databases such as the Schengen
Information System (SIS) and databases
operated by Europol. In addition, the Treaty of Prüm and the “Swedish
Initiative” has led to increasing automation and facilitate rapid data
exchange between national systems.

We are no longer talking only about persons convicted for criminal
offences. Immigrants are regularly entered in these databases – for
having committed the “crime” trying to enter in a European country
without obtaining prior permission, for wishing to make use of their
right of asylum, or even for simply being a guest for a longer period
in a European Union member state. But it is not just immigrants either.
EU citizens are finding themselves entered in data retention systems
for something as simple as, for example, being caught up in an ID check
at a political demonstration or as a result of being ordered by the
police to vacate a premises.