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Posts by outofcontrol

BXL: Reclaim your data from police databases

Gegen die grenzüberschreitende Kriminalisierung politischer AktivistInnen!
Für die Abschaffung der polizeilichen Datenbankgesellschaft!

Contre la criminalisation trans-frontalière des militants politiques!
Pour la fin d’une société fondée sur les bases de données!

Against the crossborder criminalisation of political activitsts!
For the abandonment of the police database society!

Text in english/ francais/ german


“Machines do not win wars, people do”

Transportable Autonomous Patrol for Land Border Surveillance (TALOS) is a robotic system which is to be implemented to address the ‘problems’ of surveillance along the large land border of the EU. The aim of TALOS is to help in detecting persons trying to cross the land border. Like existing surveillance systems, TALOS is going to use sensors to detect, track and intercept people, vehicles and hazardous substances crossing the unregulated land border between existing border crossing points.

However these sensors will be carried by unmanned robotic ‘drone’ vehicles having a high degree of ‘autonomy’. TALOS is an international research project co-funded by the EU. The main objective of TALOS is to develop and field test the innovative concept of a mobile, autonomous robotic system for protecting European land borders. The conventional border protection systems are based mainly on expensive ground facilities installed along the entire length of the border used only to observe, detect and warn. This infrastructure is complemented by motorized and foot patrols. The system developed within the TALOS project aims to observe the border, and improve communications, enabling Border Guards to react quicker.


Some ideas on migration, capitalism and social revolts


This text comes from practical questions linked to the tenure of an ECOFIN meeting (European financial ministers gathering from the 30th September to the 1st October) and of a n European Trade Union demonstration (on the 29th September) during the No Border Camp in Brussels (25th September- 3rd October). During discussions, we questioned our position with regard to this summit. Our reflexions quickly went to « the » current crisis and his social and political effects, in the meantime increase of racist politics and behaviours, and of social revolts and mass-movements. Questions on these effects are finally the main reason for this text, with the last September week in Brussels as background. From a radical position against borders and for freedom of movement, we propose here a few ideas on the « No Border movement », on relations between anti-migration and economic European politics, and on the actual blooming of social revolts. Ideas which aim to bring reflections, discussions … and actions.


To begin with, we thought about how the “No Border activists”, in a larger sense, connect usually migration policies to economical policies. In these discourses we can distinguish two main poles, in between a variety of discussions and positions against borders are taking place.


Since the crisis of Greece and the euro in early May, the European Union has become a political zombie: its neoliberal and monetarist brain is damaged, but it continues to create havoc and disaster. Merkel, whose inaction has escalated the cost of the financial crisis from €45 to €450 million, is imposing her mantra on Europe: Austerity, Austerity, Austerity. Cuts in public spending and wage freezes are imposed on a society already made precarious by the Great Recession. Greece, Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Belgium: nobody is sheltered from the attack on the european welfare state by global finance.

Barroso (Commission in Brussels) and Trichet (Central Bank in Frankfurt), although they would like to handle the crisis themselves instead of national governments, concur that only swift cuts can restore the faith of financial markets in the euro. International banks and speculators are demanding that all of us foot the bill for the deficits created two years ago to save their asses. Austerity will worsen the crisis, which has already made millions of precarious unemployed, and plunge the european economy into deflation, in a vicious circle of recession and unemployment, mounting xenophobia and nationalism.

Ghent, Belgium, September 23: Manifestation to oppose war preparation

Protest against the informal EU Defence Summit 2010 (sept 23-24), Ghent, Belgium

Stop the European militarisation

During the Belgian presidency of the European Union (2nd half of 2010) the Ministers of Defence of the member states will gather for an informal summit, on September 23 and 24 in the town of Ghent. This summit will take place almost a year after the Lisbon Treaty became effective. This treaty implements a lot of instruments which pull the Union further on a track of militarisation and prepare for military interventions outside Europe. We oppose a summit that prepares for war. The European Union must not become an economic bloc with a military arm. Europe is to be a peace project which before all focuses on a social and ecological policy, which creates sustainable jobs, which garantees public services and protects social security, which realises a fair and just trade policy and invests in sustainable development. In short, Europe is to be a peace project that puts and end to neoliberal policies. We must make sure that development cooperation is not used at all for military purposes.

Bremen: Small action against the link between space research, military purposes and the FORNTEX war against refugees

General Motors of the European Army and Border Surveillance (EABS) says „Thank you“ to the space researchers at the COSPAR 2010 in Bremen.

COSPAR is a big meeting of up to 3000 space researchers from all over the world that took place in Bremen this month. It was mainly financed by the Bremen based multinationals OHB and EADS who are involved in European satellite programs like GMES or SAR-LUPE that are used by the German army and also by FRONTEX in the war against refugges.

„Thank you for your collaboration in our fight against terrorists, pirates and illegal immigrants. Your science – our wars!“ the General adressed the researchers. His soldiers handed out greeting cards to the participants that show some places in Bremen, a boat with refugees and a vessel of the marine. The action was part of the campaign against the involvement of universities, companies and state funds in Bremen in the war against refugees.

Warsaw: Protest at Frontex Fifth Anniversary Conference

Following the anti-Frontex conference in Warsaw on May 22, there were a number of small actions against the agency. Amidst rather strict secrecy and security, on May 24, Frontex started their conference in Warsaw. A few activists managed to get to the registration point and make some noise.


5 years Frontex – 5 Years Ceuta Melilla

5 years ago in May 2005, Frontex, the European border agency, started its work with a few pilot projects. Today, Frontex is permanently involved in militarized sea- and land-operations against refugees and migrants on the European border as well as in the coordination of charter-deportations. Frontex is the driving force on different levels intensifying the repressive system of migration-control even beyond EU-borders. In their mission, to combat so-called illegal migration,  Frontex is willing to accept the death of thousands of refugees in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean. Thus Frontex represents one of the main counterparts in our struggle for freedom of movement.

5 years ago in October 2005 migrants and refugees have been shot to death on their way to Europe – trying to overcome the fences of the Spanish exclaves in Ceuta and Melilla. The collective storm with self-made ladders against Fortress Europe was met by the use of rubber and even live bullets of the Spanish and Moroccan border guards. Thus Ceuta and Melilla visualize and symbolize the brutality of the European border regime against flight and migration.

Undermining the European Border regime! No one is illegal!

Inside and outside Europe, refugees and migrants move from one country to another one, looking for a better future and a secure life, refusing the forced order of capitalist exploitation and modern apartheid. Movements of flight and migration challenge the system of global injustice and undermine its racist hierarchies and differentials.

Regulation of migration and the systematic denial of rights go against the demand for equality, justice and freedom. All human beings have the right to decide on their own where and how they want to live, regardless of their origins or their identities.


European Week of Action Against the Deportation Machine

Stop Deportation, along with other groups in Europe, are proposing a
European Week of Action Against the Deportation Machine, with a focus
on joint European mass deportation flights and Frontex. The proposed
date is the first week of June 2010, 1st-6th.

The idea is that groups and campaigns throughout Europe organise
their own direct actions, demos and marches against forcible
deportations from European countries, which are increasingly carried
out through joint coordinated ‘operations’ involving private
contractors and shadowy agencies like Frontex and the IOM. Protests
will inevitably take a variety of shapes but a series of coordinated,
decentralised actions and protests would make the message clearer and
louder. A week, rather than a day, of action would allow groups more
flexibility to do what they want to do.

By trying to widen the scope and diversity of the groups involved,
we also want to draw attention to the fact that anti-deportation is not
a ‘single issue campaign’. People choose or are forced to migrate for a
variety or reasons, from wars and armed conflicts fuelled by the arms
trade and western interests, through poverty, exploitation,
discrimination, gender oppression, domestic and state violence, to
climate change.

If your group/campaign would like to get involved, whether through
helping coordinate or publicise the week of action or by organising
your own action or protest in your local area, please get in touch
(needless to say, if you’re planning an unaccountable/arrestable
action, you probably wouldn’t want to get in touch!). The machine is
growing and getting stronger, and so must the resistance against it!

Callout [Deutsch | Ελληνικά | Español | Français | Italiano | Polski | Русский | Türkçe | عربي] || Resources

Paris: Aktionstag für Bewegungsfreiheit

This call in english

Am 25. Mai 2010 findet in Paris ein transnationaler Aktionstag statt. Mit zahlreichen Aktionen und einer Demonstration, Treffpunkt 14:00 Uhr, Metrostation Jaurès, Linie 2.

Immer mehr Einschränkung der Bewegungsfreiheit

Heute werden nicht mehr nur Flüchtlinge und Sans Papiers (ohne Aufenthaltsbewilligung) angehalten und von Behörden vernommen, sondern ebenso Arbeitnehmer_innen mit prekären Verträgen und stigmatisierte Jugendliche; alle haben sich aufgrund ihrer physischen Erscheinung Prüfungen ihrer Identität und Reisedokumente zu unterziehen.

Weitersagen und wachsam sein…

Regierungen versuchen die täglich zunehmende Kontrolle und Überwachung des öffentlichen Raums mithilfe einer expandierenden Toolbox von Rechtsvorschriften zu legitimieren.

Durch diese Mechanismen wird zur Denunziation von Männern, Frauen und Kindern ohne legalen Einwanderungsstatus ermutigt: im Verwaltungsdienst, in den Banken, sogar am Arbeitsplatz.

Die Arbeitslosen und Prekären werden überwacht, kriminalisiert und bestraft; Gemeinschaften werden gespalten, Menschen in Schulen eingesperrt, diejenigen, welche sich des französischen so genannten "Solidaritätsvergehens" schuldig machen, werden bestraft und widerständige Gemeinschaften schlussendlich geschmäht.

Zeit für Widerstand gegen das europäische "Flüchtlingsmanagement"

Nach einer viele Monate dauernden Reise werden Flüchtlinge, die nach Großbritannien einreisen wollen, in Calais mit gnadenloser Routine schikaniert, gejagt oder deportiert. Die Zerstörung des "Dschungels" in Calais und systematische Schließung aller Wege der Solidarität durch eine unmenschliche Polizeimacht zwingt Flüchtlinge auf die Straßen, wo sie noch mehr Verfolgung ausgesetzt sind.

In der europäischen Richtlinie des "Migrationsmanagements" bedeuten Grenzen Wachtürme und Stacheldraht, Migrant_innen werden zu bloßen Quoten reduziert. Um ihre Ziele durchzudrücken, führt die europäische Agentur
"Frontex", die bewaffnet und mit weitreichenden Befugnissen ausgestattet ist, auf See, in der Luft und zu Land eine gnadenlose Jagd auf Migrant_innen durch. Das zwingt die Menschen dazu, alternative und zwangsläufig noch verhängnisvollere Zugangswege zu suchen (allein 2008 wurden 1.508 Tote an den EU-Grenzen registriert).

Bewegungsfreiheit wird verboten und brutal unterdrückt für Exilierte, die vor Krieg, Korruption und Elend fliehen: jeder Zugang nach Europa wird verwehrt. Das Recht auf Wohnen, Arbeit und auf eine würdige Existenz wird für diejenigen, die in Europa ein neues Leben aufbauen oder Anschluss an ihre Familien finden wollen, durch die repressive europäische Gesetzgebung verhöhnt:

– Das Dublin-II-Abkommen sieht den systematischen Abtransport von Asylbewerbern in das erste Einreiseland vor, in dem ihre Fingerabdrücke genommen wurden (bekannt als die "EURODAC"- Datei). Aus diesem Grund nimmt Griechenland, Europas wichtigste Grenzübergangsstelle, entgegen der europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention nur 0,03% der Asylbewerber auf.

– Die europäische Rückführungslinie "harmonisiert" europaweit die Internierungsdauer von Einwanderer_innen und erlaubt ausdrücklich die Inhaftierung bis zu 18 Monaten (mit Ausnahme von Großbritannien, wo eine eigene Politik betreiben wird und nahezu unbegrenzt inhaftiert werden darf).

– Währenddessen wird das von 27 Innenminister_innen ausgehandelte Stockholm Programm bereits existierende Maßnahmen verschärfen. Unter dem Vorwand des Krieges gegen den Terror inszenieren die EU-Staate unseren Abstieg in noch mehr Repression und sozialer Kontrolle.

Die Schuldigen

Wenn die Bekämpfung der Einwanderung zum Business wird, werden Abschiebung, Inhaftierung und die übrige Sicherheitsarchitektur die Quelle für (größten) Profit.

Männer und Frauen bauen die Haftanstalten, in denen sie einsperrt werden, reinigen die Bahnhöfe und Züge, in denen sie überwacht und verhaftet werden. Sie sind zu bloßer Arbeitskraft reduziert, die jederzeit benutzt und gnadenlos wieder verworfen werden kann. Zynismus hat keine Grenzen…






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